Current Alaska Smokefree Gaming Property Status Map
7 smokefree properties in Alaska (100%)
This map gives the location of every property in Alaska with green icons identifying properties that are smokefree. Zoom in or expand the map to full-screen mode to see property locations more clearly. Click a property's icon to see its summary details.
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Smokefree property
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Non-smokefree property
Alaska Gaming Properties
The table below includes all 7 Alaska gaming properties. You can sort the table by any column and you can click a property owner to see property-by-property details for that owner.
PropertyOwners and OperatorsCityProperty TypeSmokefreeOpen Status
Agate Pull Tabs Qagan Tayagungin Tribe of Sand PointSand PointCommercial CasinoYesOpen
KCA Bingo Klawock Cooperative AssociationKlawockBingo HallYesOpen
MIC Gaming Hall MetlAlaskaatla Indian CommunityMetlakatlaIndian CasinoYesOpen
NVB Pull Tabs Native Village of BarrowBarrowCommercial CasinoYesOpen
Sitka Bingo Sitka Tribe of AlaskaSitkaBingo HallYesOpen
Sun'aq Tribe Bingo Sun'aq Tribe of KodiakKodiakBingo HallYesOpen
T&H Bingo Central Council of the Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of AlaskaJuneauBingo HallYesOpen

See something that needs to be updated or have feedback? Please email
Note: Gaming venues listed as "not smokefree" may include facilities where the indoor smoking status is not yet verified. Feedback, updates and corrections appreciated.
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